
Just back from a lovely evening walk on the beach. (I use that word a lot, don’t I? Need to hit the thesaurus for some more synonyms. Delightful? Enchanting? Exquisite? They’re all a bit weird aren’t they? How about ‘nice’. Or maybe I’ll stick with lovely). The schnoodles and I snuck out while the old dog was having a post prandial nap. It’s a gorgeous night. The wind has died down completely, and there are no clouds.

I grew up further north*, and our holidays were always in Northland, which I’ve always thought of as my spiritual home, with the flowering pohutukawas right down to the water’s edge on the golden sandy beaches. But actually, it does get pretty hot and humid up there, and full of mosquitoes. And the South Island, while undeniably breathtaking in its beauty (apart from Christchurch), gets very cold, and its picturesque beaches are swarming with sandflies. Could it be that here on the Kapiti Coast, like a delicious filling in a brown bread sandwich, everything is perfect?

Sounds logical to me. But, it’s a secret, so don’t tell anyone. Don’t want any more jafas down here.

(Nothing is perfect, sadly. Some strange man has parked his car by the lagoon, opened his doors and turned his stereo up loud to blast soft rock hits from the 80s across the neighbourhood while he sits on the jetty staring moodily into the water. I don’t imagine my nosey parker  neighbour will put up with it much longer.)

Felt quite pleased with myself to have done so much exercise in one day. It’s basically a triathlon, isn’t it? A swim, a bike ride and a walk? But then I read about Nikki Kaye doing the Coast to Coast this weekend. Clearly I’m kidding myself…although she is younger than me…but then, she has had cancer…

*Auckland. I cannot tell a lie.

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