
Lovely, expensive and super indulgent degustation dinner in Wellington last night, when I should have been watching the cricket. A gorgeous day today so I’ve come back up the coast, where it seems somehow easier to make good use of the weather and be outdoorsy. Also I forgot to bring the rubbish back the other day. Just back from a very pleasant swim in the estuary with the schnoodles in my faux birkini. It turns out the algae scare is basically a permanent state up here, so I figure as long as I can’t see the dogs eating mats of algae then she’ll be right.

As we were swimming back across the river, a young woman was calling out to her dog Vinnie. Ruby, one of our schnoodles, changed course and swam to her, thinking she was one of my daughters who had mysteriously turned up and was calling to her. Poor misguided dog. It’s very lucky they are incapable of feeling embarrassment.

I’ve brought my overpowered ebike up and plan to give it a go on the beach when the tide is low later this evening (and earn some more points in the bike challenge).

I’ve had a bit of a revelation about myself today, a glimpse of my future, if you will. I’ll be that scrawny old lady, striding briskly along the walking tracks, wearing Kathmandu head to toe including a floppy khaki hat, and looking determined and taking no nonsense. Actually I’ve been feeling a bit creaky in the old joints lately so my vision may not be as far into the future as I’d like to imagine. I’d prefer not to get old, it’s just a shame there aren’t any appealing, practical working alternatives.

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