Plot twist

Another day off, another bike ride to keep my stats looking good. Did the Waikanae River again. It’s a lovely ride but I do it so often, I really need to change things up a bit. However, there’s another reason I like that ride so much – none of it is on the road, so I don’t bother wearing a helmet. “What!” I hear you cry “but you’re a doctor! You must see the damage that head injuries inflict.” Well, actually, no I don’t, because I work in theatres. The people who see head injuries are ED docs, neurosurgeons, or those who work in rehab. Yes, head injuries are awful, but what I see far more of (or I would, if I was a GP), are those people with poor health due to an inactive lifestyle. Move it or lose it, people!


Well, that’s the post I had already written in my head when – surprise! – I came a cropper. I was just deciding between two different paths, when I suddenly caught a glimpse of two elderly ladies walking their enormous dogs on the path I was going to go down, so I decided to take the other path instead. Well, as any fool will tell you, suddenly changing course while traveling at speed on a gravel path is a sure recipe for disaster. As my bike skidded out from under me, and I went flying through the air, I had no time for my life to flash before my eyes. I remember only thinking “well, that was dumb” before I hit the ground. I landed on my hands and knees as this photo will attest.

Somehow this doesn’t look so impressive as it does from above. I’ll do a zoomed in version. This does, however, show the dog, clearly lusting for blood.
Gruesome enough for you? Doesn’t actually hurt, though.

The Strava map is virtually identical to the other day, even though I was going in the other direction and I had a lot of trouble needing to adjust  my bicycle seat. As well as the near death experience of course, which I’ve marked with a cross.

The little old ladies strolled slowly to my aid, and were very nice. I tried to explain I’d changed direction in order not to hit them, but it sounded funny when I said it, even to me. I’m sure they thought I was going too fast, and perhaps I was. The 64 thousand dollar question is, of course, does this make me change my mind about wearing a helmet? I’ll think on it.


I’ve realized on further reflection I haven’t explained myself very well here. My point is that when helmets are made compulsory, bicycle use goes down. It’s not fear of helmet hair, but just that it makes it slightly more difficult, which adds a barrier. You can’t just hop on your bike and go somewhere, you have to dig out your helmet as well, and then what do you do when you arrive at your destination? Wander around with it over your arm like a pillock, or leave it with your bike to get stolen? It must be a major issue for bike rental schemes, that the e scooter hire companies don’t have to deal with. I’m not against helmets per se, I just think the downside of making them compulsory is too great. We must get more people out of their cars.


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