Old scheduling email 30 Oct 2015

I’ve got most of this week off, although I’m bucking the trend by coming back to work on Friday after the Waitangi Day holiday on Thursday (have to get that newsletter out – plus they’ve got me working clinically because every other bastard is on leave.) It’s been lovely and warm up here on the Kapiti coast, in fact possibly a little too humid for my liking. I’ve signed up for this month’s Aotearoa bike challenge, so to keep my mileage up I cycled over to Raumati yesterday. The plan was to visit The Frock Shop, but when I got there I was so sweaty I couldn’t even touch the dresses, let alone try anything on. Not too much of a loss, as they seem mostly aimed at the wealthy pensioner market, of which I am not yet one. A swim in the sea was most welcome when I got back to Waikanae, despite the disapprobation of my pooches.

Anyway, this active lifestyle hasn’t left much time for cerebral pursuits such as thinking up clever posts, so in the meantime I’m posting another old work email.


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 30 October 2015 12:19 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: If I could turn back time

Hi All,

A very sad week, after a lovely young gentleman of my acquaintance died in a tragic accident last weekend. My daughter – the ex – is coping with aplomb, but I’ve been a mess. It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. Like many before me, I’ve turned to my God for succour. Unfortunately, the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn’t have anything profound to say in the face of great loss, except shit happens: and sometimes it’s really shitty. It’s like my Dad used to say, before he died of a heart attack while out jogging many years ago, life isn’t fair. RIP Rohan, taken too soon.

A happy week, though, for our part 2 candidates who were all successful in the recent quiz. Well done to you all, enjoy your new found freedom and spare time before it gets sucked away by all those tedious jobs you’ve been putting off for the past year.

Best wishes to Gareth C, off to the joys of a Brisbane summer, with next week his last with us. Don’t forget to pack your budgie smugglers, it’s going to be hotter than an Aborigine’s armpit out there.

Send your kids around to our house on Saturday, with three teenagers we are legendary with our Halloween decorations. We only reduced a handful to tears last year.



Some sort of longish case in neuro for Dr L, arguments this morning about it’s exact nature, but anticipated to take 8 hours. (Does this include STEALTH and positioning, I wonder? I suggest not making dinner plans).


Part 2 teaching will be a group backslapping session I expect.


No lists today or tomorrow due to the anaesthetic conference here in town. Ha ha, as if!

Guy Fawkes day, ha ha pity the poor chump doing the evening acute session today! Oh, it’s me. Now, let me see, is it still butter for burns? Hmmm.

That’s it for me for another week. Thanks everyone. Oh yes, and I believe there’s a game of footy this weekend… (Eds note: that will have been the rugby World Cup final Oct 31. We beat Australia to win it, back when we were the best team in the world.)

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