Old scheduling email 16/10/15

Just back from a long walk on the beach to our favourite brunch place, so now hot and full and pooped. Time for a nap. Here’s an old scheduling email to keep things chugging along until my next original post. Laters.


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 16 October 2015 12:01 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: oversharing


Hi All,


Bemused to receive a text from a reg this week detailing some sort of domestic cheese incident. Apparently it was meant for his wife – a likely story. Lucky my husband doesn’t read my texts. Listen, just because I’ve been to France doesn’t mean I need to hear all your fromage stories. Another recent example of TMI was Chris’ email last week. I was horrified. What goes on in the office stays in the office, is my rule, Chris. And that cream should settle things down as long as you don’t pick at it.


I wasn’t going to mention the fame hungry Dr Sharpe with his latest stunt of fat shaming, but since he’s done such a sterling job of publicizing National Anaesthesia Day in todays Dom Post, I thought I better had. All grist for the Knighthood mill I expect, Graham? Of course, I’m actually going one better – I’m getting a crown today. Yes, it’s part two of The Pate Bites Back: The Dentists Revenge (“I never wanted to get into med school anyway”)


The recent theme in the department seems to be anguish over late running lists that “everybody knew about”. Chris and I do our best to let you know about these when we hear about them. I was particularly pleased to get away on time yesterday, as I had a date with my daughters to go and see the opera Tosca. It was very enjoyable, and nice to have an opportunity to dress up for a change, but I was a bit disappointed at the lack of toe-tapping, hum-along type tunes. Puccini could learn a valuable lesson from the makers of Frozen, I feel. Yes, culture is not just something you grow in the lab, my friends!




There is an orthopaedic conference going on somewhere so expect the unexpected when it comes to ortho list staffing this week. ( “The rumours are true: there are more than two antibiotics available”, “latest fashions in oversized gloves”, ”How to avoid grazed knuckles”, “Questions the Stryker rep can’t answer”, “A-systole: is it a real thing?” ). 

Pacemaker-orama in OT 10 today. Lucky for the wellbeing of your credit cards that magnets are out these days.



A very challenging dental list today has been moved into OT 14. If you see Drs Q or U looking glum then feel free to give them a hug and/or jelly beans.

OT 8 will house bowels today instead of it’s usual bones.

Four SMO’s available this morning. According to our OPD balance sheet, we currently don’t owe anyone OPD, but if you have legitimate nonclinical stuff to do, then I’m afraid it’s too late to ask me. Oh well, I suppose you can if you need to. Or you could ask Amanda (today’s DA), she seems nice.

Near part 2 teaching is viva practice but it might be a better idea to get outside for some fresh air to clear your head. Just an idea.



The SHOs join SIM teaching in the afternoon, Mr D will be running through the minutiae of the machine check. Learn it quickly, people, before it all becomes redundant.



I am DA, segueing (?sp) into the evening session.



Short today, we have a few locums so if you see familiar faces here on a day you don’t normally see them, ask them to buy you lunch.


I have to work le weekend, but I hope the rest of you have a nice break, and Allez Les Noir! As no Frenchman ever said, ever.

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