
One little kiddie that came to theatre this evening (5yo + monkey bars + gravity = munted forearm) brought his mate Mr Koala in with him.

Emotional support marsupial

I reckoned we ought to singe him up a bit with the diathermy, to make him look more authentic, but everyone looked at me like I was a monster or something. Lucky I didn’t get a chance to explain to the wee lad that because koalas get very little nutrition from their limited diet of gum leaves (poisonous in large quantities), their brains have become quite shrunken and they’ve lost much of their ability to socialize and play, so that even if they look cute and cuddly they just aren’t really capable of connecting emotionally. Of course, I expect Mr Koala is quite different in character to the general run of his contemporaries.
And just in case you’re thinking that koalas aren’t the only heartless beasts around here, I hasten to add that I did donate to WIRES last week.

NSW wildlife information, rescue and education services Inc
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