
There are two secure bicycle cages in the underground car park at the hospital. I used the one further away from the lifts the first time I tried parking my bike down there – as  it’s 30 metres further to walk, many fewer people park their bikes there – but to be honest I used it because  it was the first one I found (and that took me an embarrassingly long time). Now, even though I have absolute freedom to use either, I always go for the same one. I even park my bike in the same slot every time. I wouldn’t call it a compulsion, exactly (ahem) but it just seems more natural and comfortable to go there, and it’s where I go without thinking about it. Is that a problem? Surely not. And on the same general topic, what do you think of this photo?

My morning coffee when all other cups and saucers were in the dishwasher.

Does it give you a vague sense of unease and/or a feeling of raging anxiety? Me too! I can’t tell you how painful I found having to use this combination of cup and saucer. I’ve tried to fight it but NO! It’s time to stand our ground, we are the people who know what’s acceptable, down with woke millennials who don’t know right from wrong IT’S TIME TO STAND UP FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN, IT’S TIME FOR RIGHT THINKING PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER TO BAND TOGETHER OOPS ALL THESE CAPS ARE giving me anxiety…

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