Hot in bed

It’s been a rather underwhelming summer so far, but even so, I’ve had terrible trouble with my nocturnal thermoregulation. I’m usually quite chilly when I go to bed, so I put on an extra blanket over my side of the bed. I go to sleep fine, but then half-wake a few hours later far too hot, and throw most of my blankets off. I then go back to sleep again, but resurface in the early hours of the morning freezing cold and have to drag all my blankets back. If I’m lucky, that’s it until the alarm goes off, but sometimes it’s not so simple, and I find myself in the dead of night, groggy and stupefied, trying to cover myself with some percentage of the bed clothes that will keep me in the Goldilocks zone so I can sleep. It’s horrific, and I don’t remember ever experiencing this when I was younger. I remember getting hot and stuffy under my blankets hiding from ghosts or the boogie man as a child, and then later hiding from mosquitoes (I grew up in Auckland), but nothing like this. I’m not menopausal or malarial, so I’m at a loss to explain it. Anyway, if I’m ever snappy or short tempered, you’ll know why.

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