Not a fan, or “post in anger; repent at leisure”

Dear Abby,My daughter has just got her nasal septum pierced, whilst under the “care” of some “friends” overseas, and I hate it. I despise it with every fibre of my being. I loathe it with a passion and vehemence that is surprising even to me. It’s hardly an adornment – it looks more like a miniature toilet roll holder. Was not the enormous, hideous and naff dragon tattoo enough, for God’s sake? It’s going to be the first thing about her that people see, and will be judged for, by anyone over 25 at any rate. This includes future employers, which I’m afraid is going to be a problem unless she wants to work in hospo forever. She was so attractive before. Where is it going to end?

Vision of the future?

And if she can’t get a job, does that mean she’ll be living at home forever? And I’ll have to look at that hideous thing across the dinner table for the rest of my life? Why are children so damned disappointing? And why didn’t I stick with dogs? They might pee on the floor but at least they aren’t trying to destroy themselves all the time.

Do you think my views are going to damage our relationship?

Concerned of Kelburn

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