The fairer sex

Do you remember the outrage a couple of months ago when it came out that the corporate dress code for women in Japan was not only that they had to wear high heels, but also that they weren’t allowed to wear glasses? (No? It may be I’ve been living in my own social media bubble again).

I heard a couple of days ago that it took Hillary Clinton an hour every morning to get ready for the campaign trail back in 2016. I’m sure this is realistic but that doesn’t stop it being hideously unfair. It’s such a handicap for women in my view. I can just imagine if she was president now, and was announcing that she’d been trying to start WW 3 for some perfectly good reason, she’d be criticized if her hair and makeup weren’t on point. Whereas for The Donald, when he gets up in the morning, all he has to do is put on his clothes, find someone to tie up his shoelaces, glue on the wig, slap on the orange paint and he’s good to go.

You are so beautiful…to me!
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