Weather competition

I have daughters scattered across the globe at the moment (ooh I don’t like the imagery there. Stretched? Ooh no – worse!) Anyhoo the climate is quite different in our respective locations. Currently I am at home in Wellington:

OK, not very impressive, particularly for summer. Is that a high of 13 next Wednesday? Lame! Anyway, how are things for the offspring? Here is one daughter who is “enjoying” her first winter in Canada:

She has certainly managed to get the real deal: a white Christmas. (Is that a low of minus 16 degrees on Wednesday? Brrrr!) She had to leap over snow banks to get to work the other day. She has also just built her first snowman. I will include a photo if she will let me.

You can see that he’s a friendly little guy, waving to the camera. She says he became sentient after she sang a ballad in the snow. They got their first dusting in October. Let’s see how excited she is by slush come March.

How about the twins then? They have spent the last week in Australia. They were in a yacht in Sydney Harbour for the New Years Eve fireworks, which were apparently fabulous, although controversial as we know. Finally the posh school has borne fruit! Rich friends! (Although this girl is actually lovely, and had a summer job, unlike some other people I might mention but won’t for fear of getting in trouble again.) (Because it’s my fault apparently.) What’s the weather forecast where they are?

Well it doesn’t actually look too bad, for an Australian summer. But of course, as we know, this isn’t the full story. For very close by, large swathes of the country are on fire. Temperatures in the high forties with strong winds are forecast for Saturday. Horrifying. It must feel like the apocalypse is coming. Godzone it may be, but I know where I’d rather be.

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