Instant gratification

Pros and cons of instant vs “real” coffee:

1) it’s so cheap! In fact it’s usually free for most of us workers.

2) let’s be honest: for those of us who take sugar, the taste isn’t enormously different.

3) No queues.

4) No scary baristas to deal with.

5) No horrible mouthful of grinds at the bottom of the cup.

6) No wasted milk froth that’s left over at the end, that you need to chase around the cup with a spoon if you’re really desperate. So undignified.

7) By using the horrible corporate arcoroc cups that every office has, there’s less waste to go to the landfill.

8) Did I mention the price?

9) On the other hand, all your coffee snob friends and family (so common in Wellington) will never speak to you again. Is it really worth becoming a social pariah? Best not risk it.

10) No free jaffa/chocolate fish/tiny biscuit on the side! I think I’ve sealed my argument.

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