
Went on a little canoe trip this afternoon. It’s been a while since I’ve taken one out – it was all covered in cobwebs and spiders from its prolonged sojourn in the gloom under the deck. Felt quite sorry for all the little arachnids scurrying about, must be a nasty shock when you think you’ve found a lovely comfortable spot to raise your family in. Had to give a couple of daddy long legs carrying large egg sacs time to relocate, and in the end no exterminations were required.

I only went across the lagoon and up the estuary a little way, before it got too shallow to go any further due to the lack of recent rain. It was quite strange going all by myself. When the girls were at home, it would usually be the four of us heading out together, usually with at least one dog. It wasn’t worse or better doing it by myself – although obviously far more efficient – it was just different.

Kapiti in summer, view from our house
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