Old scheduling email 21 August 2015

Oh, stop complaining – you know you love it!

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 21 August 2015 12:22 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Very long explanatory email about this weeks schedule which is an entirely optional read.


Hi All,


Had a lovely evening last night at House Music at the private school my daughters attend. It was fabulous, very entertaining. Best of all, Baber won, which considering my daughters make up 10% of the house, I take as a personal victory. Strongly featured in their performance of “Paint the Town Green” was one of my daughters doing what she thought was Scottish country dancing. She did well considering I’ve always steered clear of dance, as that way eating disorders lay, in my view. Strangely enough the evening ended up with a fire alarm. We left before the hunky firefighters arrived, but I hope the school hasn’t burnt down, because I haven’t felt in such charity with the place for a long time. It was back to the Hogwartian splendour which first attracted me many years ago. It left me feeling a little guilty for the blasting I recently gave it in the school survey. So what if the maths and digital teaching are laughable, if they can put on such an enthusiastic and accomplished stage performance?


Speaking of performances, spare a thought for all the candidates who are here in Wellington sitting the part 2 writtens and medical vivas today and tomorrow. Several of the candidates, and examiners, are our own: so good luck to you all. Over the next couple of months it will be practice viva time for those candidates, so all you SMO’s better get your viva questions ready.


I’ve had my own conundrum this week, how to adequately convey in written form that noise that you make when you make a duck face, blow a raspberry and then move your horizontal finger up and down over your lips. It’s something like blub blub blub but that sounds like drowning. I’ve been trying to find an appropriate response to all the male SMOs of the dept who are boo hooing over not being invited to the afterwork female SMO drinks we got an invitation to by one of the female physicans this Wednesday. Any suggestions? (Chris has just muttered something about Caitlyn Jenner but that seems pretty drastic.)


A male SMO that’s making a welcome return to the dept this week is Geoff C. We are strangely well staffed over the middle of this week which has allowed me to double Geoff up in cardiac not once but twice. This will give him a chance to show everyone pictures of his delightful daughters and new house, and also for cardiac SMOs he’s doubled up with to gently remind him how we do things in Wellington, and that we don’t want any of those nasty foreign habits here. Also returning to theatre this week is Eddie C, currently desperately trying to fast track his rehab from a broken metacarpal so he can escape from endless preassessment and pain rounds. Actually he’s been terribly useful to Chris and I from a scheduling perspective: if anyone see’s an RMO indulging in dangerous behaviour around traffic, and feels a temptation to give them a gentle nudge, don’t let us stop you. (oh dear, does that count as another example of the bullying culture among SMO’s to their juniors? Surely not.) Leona is back, too, after a long spell rehabbing the Hutt. Am hoping she will enjoy two days of preassessment as a gentle return to the centre of excellence.



This mornings renal transplant has been cancelled for no good reason that we were given, I expect AKS will still take out someone’s kidney to show willing.



No organized near part 2 teaching, our candidates will be recouperating after the writtens, recruiting their strength and girding their loins for the vivas to come. Can’t think of any more battle metaphors to put in here but that’s probably enough to be getting on with.



I’ve snuck Matt into delivery suite for the morning in a feeble attempt to woo him back to the House of Screaming Sheila’s, which would be tremendously useful as far as scheduling goes.

Mark A is OPD all day to help Annie in interviewing new trainee techs, seven candidates apparently. Planning for the future, what a novel idea!



Lupe back in OT 9, is this her first list back from maternity leave? I’m not sure so I won’t mention it.

Golly, this weeks email is reeeeally long, but then you didn’t get one last week so maybe it balances out (although strangely we didn’t get any complaints about the lack of one last week…)















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