
Having had a fabulous Xmas (thanks, family!) I am back at work. I’m also doing the evening session again, as no other bugger was willing to do it. I won’t live stream it again in case it’s as dull as Xmas Eve, but I’ll let you know when it’s over if anything interesting happens.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all my loyal readers, I hope you’ve had a lovely Xmas (or alternative celebration) and go on to have a fabulous New Year. For the rest of you commitment-phobes, thanks for your “interest” I guess. Honoured. Although perhaps I shouldn’t be so rude, after all I have never read anyone else’s blog in my life. Maybe that should be my New Years resolution – investigate the opposition, see where I’m going wrong. Any suggestions?

By the way, don’t forget you don’t need to put your real email address if you want to comment. Blahblah@yadayada will do the trick.


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