Keep on trucking

Dear Op Zeeland truck driver,

I get it. It’s annoying when people assume you’re going to go slow because you’re a giant truck, and keep on wanting to pass you all the time. But in yesterday afternoon’s deluge you were honestly going 80 kph and I thought I’d just sneak past you to get out of the billowing clouds of spray behind you. Why you chose to speed up just at that moment I wouldn’t like to speculate, maybe it was a coincidence? But it was frankly terrifying suddenly finding myself at 110 in the fast lane in the pouring rain just to keep ahead of you. Maybe an enormous truck is at no risk of aquaplaning, but I had no illusions about my Outlander, even if it is an SUV. Yes, I could have slowed back down and let you underpass me, but in the end I managed to sneak ahead of you back into the slow lane (where I still had to go way faster than I was comfortable with as you were right up my butt by then). Honestly, if we’d been two dogs meeting, I fully understand my role would have been to be over on my back and peeing on myself in fright while you towered over me, but it’s very hard to signal submission in a highway situation. When you triumphantly passed me a few minutes later, I felt a slight chagrin, I must confess, but mostly just relief.

Anyway, fuck you very much, and have a nice day.


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