Everything I know about philosophy I learnt from my dog

and the Monty Python song, of course:

First swim of the summer yesterday, hard to believe with the torrential downpours we’ve been having ever since! The lumpy old dog swam across the river without hesitation, although a little slower than in the old days and more out of puff than usual on arrival. She seems perfectly happy with life, in no pain and with no worries about what the future will bring.

Katie’s priorities in life:

1) food

2) stick close to the adored one (me)

3) comfortable place for a snooze when the mood takes her

4) more food

5) companionship from other dogs

6) ensuring safety of the adored one by barking at anything vaguely anxiety inducing


This in contrast to the puppies (we call them the puppies even though they turn nine next month. They have always been the epitome of youthful exuberance, without a cynical or world weary bone in their bodies):

1) stick close to the adored one (or substitute daughter in her absence)

2) aim to please the adored one with good behaviour (note this feature markedly missing from Katie’s list)

3) a comfortable place to snooze near the adored one (or substitute)

4) food

5) keep clear of scary tall German

6) companionship from other dogs

7) protect family by barking at anything

Nothing in either list about the meaning of life, anxiety about the future, or other existential dilemma. It’s a pure and simple ethos and we are blessed to have them with us on our life’s journey. I’ve always thought people without pets must be a little bit weird but maybe they’re just desperately unlucky.

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