
“Twiglet” done and dusted. Daughter decided to claim it back as it turns out “Salem’s Lot” is far less entertaining than Stephen King fans may lead you to believe. Luckily tropical islands lend themselves to binge reading as well as cocktails.
Also managed to do our first dive. Due to the rough seas we’ve been experiencing, the visibility wasn’t as spectacular as usual, but still seemed pretty impressive to us. The dive instructor said they don’t get out of bed for less than 40 metres so obviously they’re quite spoiled. It also turns out the fearsomely venomous sea snakes are adorable friendly critters who’d much rather curl up in your hand than fang you. Unfortunately our guide wasn’t able to entice any to cuddle up to him today so it’s all just hearsay as far as I’m concerned. We also saw a scorpion fish, a lobster, lots of colourful reef fish, a turtle and a flying fish. A pretty impressive tally.
Hoping to snorkel with dolphins tomorrow, if the swell settles down. Alternatively I now have an Agatha Christie so I’m pretty much set either way.

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