
Only two flights a week come to Niue from Auckland, and sadly today’s flight has brought two loud mouth young women that have moved into the room next door. It was bad enough when we wanted to sit on our deck drinking cocktails at happy hour, when they suddenly discovered they too wanted to spend the time before sunset talking loudly over each other about events in their lives since they last caught up. Now, at bedtime in the dark, they have discovered an urgent need to continue their conversation out on the deck, a metre from our door. So much for leaving the door open to let the air circulate – we’ve had to seal every opening to try and deaden the sound. FFS why aren’t they out there at the bar trying to get lucky with someone in a cheaper room?
Feeling most aggrieved. I’m all for female friendships but quiet indoor ones are much more appealing right now. Hoping the mozzies find them soon.

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