
If there’s something that really gets my goat, it’s people being irrationally proud of a “pet peeve”. They explain the thing that annoys them as if it’s some sort of virtue. “OMG, people who use “air quotes” are my pet peeve!” (Sorry, that sentence is a bit meta, I know) For those Grammar Nazis out there, sometimes I make mistakes with my their/they’re/there, and sometimes I don’t know where the apostrophe is supposed to go. I’m not willfully ignorant, we just didn’t do grammar when I was at school. Would it be better if people like me remained mute, rather than offend the puritans? (Hmmm…perhaps don’t answer that). Anyway, if you’re more concerned about the grammar than the message, I think that’s pretty small minded (and I bet you’re the sort of person that toots people when driving, just to make absolutely sure they and everyone else within earshot knows they’ve made a mistake).
You know the clue is in the name. If it wasn’t something most people consider as minor and unimportant, wouldn’t you call it a “sensible and rational dislike of someone else’s specific societal behaviour”? Yes, you would. Now, get your priorities right, and pipe down. The adults are talking.

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