He came in through the bathroom window

Well, it’s literally true. So distracted were we by the theory of Kirsty’s general uselessness and likely inability to lock a door, we completely missed the possibility of someone climbing through a window. Which is pretty dumb, considering one of our daughters’ boyfriends has done it before. Trouble is, they were so discrete it took us over a week to figure it out – but I am grateful they didn’t trash the place. Anyway, the rozzers were back yesterday with their fingerprint kit to check out the upstairs. Gratifying that they’re taking it so seriously. They got some good prints and were going to check it against their data base and get back to us. Does that mean if the prints were ours then they too will be on the system from now on?? What with this and the DNA testing we got done last year, any future career as white collar criminals is going to be severely hampered. Oh well, I suspect its too much trouble to start a second career now. Plus, crime doesn’t pay, kids!

As well as a passport, cash and binoculars, most of what’s been taken was my jewellery. And what is the professional burglar looking out for to purloin this season? As well as anonymous gold chains from my Mum, and a seemingly random (but actually I’m sure not) assortment from my watch collection, the name brands seem popular. At this stage, Karen Walker with a necklace, a ring and a pendant is just nudging out Boh Runga with two necklaces. I’m conflicted that my favourite jeweller has only had a gold chain and one pair of earrings taken. What’s wrong with all the rest of the jewellery of hers that I own? Is it not good enough?? I suppose maybe that its just too quirky and original and therefore identifiable.

As well as the Karen Walker gold ring, they also took my husband’s wedding ring. He’s never worn it, I can’t remember why? It was either because real men don’t wear jewellery, or because it cramps his style at the singles bar. Anyway it’s  lived in my jewellery box for the last few decades*. For some reason they didn’t take the one ring.

My precious

Considering the hobbits spent three movies trying to get rid of it, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised it’s undervalued.

*update. My daughter actually has his ring! She borrowed it a while ago. He will be pleased.

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