Too much information

Our patient this morning became a little garrulous after his pre op midazolam. He’s a farmer, and he was talking us through a cesarean section he and the vet had to do on one of his cows this week. The calf was quite stuck and he had to put his hand right up inside her to push it back in and turn it around. Luckily her anaesthetic was excellent and she never moved a muscle. The procedure was a success, but the cow looked quite ropey for a number of days afterwards – she was on industrial doses of penicillin but he still only gave her a 20% chance of survival early on. Against the odds, she pulled through which he was very happy about. The cardiology tech who was putting ECG dots on our man while this conversation was going on was quite pleased when we finally got him off to sleep. What none of us had noticed was that she was eight months pregnant. She was looking a bit green by the end there.

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