Another old scheduling email to fill a gap

I seem to have had a real sarcastic streak back then; I’m guessing I’ve mellowed as I’ve aged.


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Thursday, 9 July 2015 2:41 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Avast!


Dear All,


Until very recently, I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t have time to get this weeks schedule written and finalized before going on holiday from this evening. How serendipitous it was, then, that the surgeon I work with in private on Wednesdays decided not to tell me he was going to be away this week. Fortuitous, also,  was the last minute nature of this discovery, as rather than feeling obliged by this hole in my schedule to organize alternative employ, I was left rather at a loose end. Thus, freed from the burden of earning a living, I was able to devote my time to polish this weeks schedule to a high gleam. It is the second week of the school holidays, so a lot of SMOs away, but luckily the majority of our RMOs, although perhaps not footloose and fancy free, are still generally unhampered by offspring (of school age), so it is they who are keeping things ticking along this week.


As hinted at above, I am also on leave next week. I will be cruising down the Murray River on a private houseboat with two other families. I am not a very experienced sailor, so a little nervous about being able to pull my weight. If I’m asked to splice the main brace, swab the mizzen, or head for’ard to the fo’c’s’le – I might be in trouble. However, I am lead to believe that it oughtn’t be a too complex business keeping our ship afloat – apparently all you need to legally be able to drive the thing, is (yes, you guessed it: ) a drivers licence. (There’s a trend here – is there any vehicle I can’t be in charge of with the power of my mighty driver’s licence alone?? I might draw the line at a space X rocket, though…)


Last, and least: the rugby. I thought I’d be philosophical about it, but no: it burns with the pain of a thousand paper cuts. This is not the fairytale ending we were hoping for. Hideously reminiscent of the world cup final 1995: just waiting and waiting for the better team to start firing… Oh well. I have a good feeling about the NPC – I predict second division glory for the Lions in the ITM cup!


Update: an MVA in this mornings hideous wintry weather has left one of our regs distinctly unhandy. This will have implications for the afterhours roster which is David P’s headache; in the meantime as far as daytime sessions go, poor Eddie is going to be spending a lot of time in preassessment, with the odd pain round as light relief.


Chris J will be putting out the finalized version of the schedule tomorrow after production planning, so my notes are for a late draft version of the schedule





Chris J is DA. I’m taking bets he won’t be by the time his version of the schedule comes out…

The leave book says Jeremy is clinical this morning, I hope he knows this but have been too afraid to ask.

Mr Pringles last day theatre. The end of an era. If you’re quick you may be able to order some Amway before he goes.

Joe Mck taking SHO teaching, and Sheila SIM teaching in the pm (again! She must be very clever; or maybe just slow moving).



It’s all looking a bit muddly, I’m sure Chris will fix that right up tomorrow.



Two TBC sessions today, even after gyne have taken their usual share of free lists. I suspect the surgeons are on holiday but the booking people are too afraid to cancel things as they’ll get told off for not trying hard enough to reach targets. More efficient to leave it to the last minute, clearly. Lucky we aren’t short of anaesthetists, techs, or nurses! Oh wait – we are.


OK, it’s not pretty but it’s done – and no locums, so at least it’s cheap.

Will be thinking of you all. Unfortunately I’m told cell phone coverage is patchy at best, and no wifi: so you’ve got 12 hrs to complain to me, otherwise Chris is your man.

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