More thoughts on frozen poo knives

I can’t stop thinking about the study I mentioned in my post last week (Intellectual). I have the detailed write up if anyone wants to see it.

Am just imagining a scene at the home of the principal investigator.

Him: ”Hello darling! What’s for dinner?”

Her: ”I’m not sure, sorry – whatever My Food Bag has given us.”

Him: ”Ah…”

Her: ”is there a problem?”

Him: ”Well,  I have quite specific dietary needs over the next couple of weeks, so…”

Her: ”What! Never tell me you got funding approval for that bonkers poo knife study??”

Him (hurt): ”It is genuine anthropological research…”

Her: ”Unbelievable. So, it’s not what you know, but who you now, I suppose?”

Him: “Just because Woofy Pilkington and I were at prep school together, doesn’t mean it affected his decision-making as the head of the grants board. My application was cast iron. And it’s important stuff.”

Her: “And my work on ocean acidification as a result of climate change isn’t??”

Him: “Well, its not exactly core business, is it? You just need to rewrite your application and try again next year. Maybe it’s just not your time.”

Her: “Harrumph. So, you have to eat like an Inuit for two weeks and then  collect your own poo and make a knife out of it, which you’re going to freeze and then try and cut up a carcass with?”

Him: “You were paying attention!”

Her: (suspicious) “You’re not collecting my faeces as well, are you?”

Him: “Oh no, dear! Just me.”

Her: “Right. I’m going out for dinner. Enjoy your whale blubber sandwich.”


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