
CME opportunities far and few between for me at the moment it seems. Missed out on last night’s journal club as I was working in theatre (well, supervising a couple of registrars who were  doing the work, but it amounts to the same thing). The most interesting paper presented, although not necessarily the most clinically relevant, was one in which they studied how effective knives were that were made out of human poo (spoiler alert: not very). It reminds me a little of a paper I presented to the department when I was a registrar. It was on how they had found small lacunar infarcts in the brains of scuba divers on CT scans (did I tell you my daughter is studying for her PADI open water scuba diving certificate at the moment? It’s OK – she’s studying commerce).

For a little light relief, I put up a couple of amusing pictures on the overhead projector, because otherwise it was all a bit dull. They were pretend brain scans from a man and a woman. It was the most egregiously sexist humour you can imagine: oh how we laughed! This was last century, mind you. The woman’s scan had a parallel parking cell, and a an entire lobe dedicated to shoe shopping. The man’s had a tiny vestigial “listening to the wife” nucleus, and an enormous drinking beer and watching sport region. Oh dear! Times certainly have changed.



And here we have a couple of examples of horrifically sexist cliches that people used to laugh at.



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