A youthful expression IV


To chuck out

I like this word but I must say I don’t fully grasp all its myriad uses. I’ve been pushed to post this today because of a photo I saw in an article about the very excellent climate protest yesterday. (Go Greta! Spectrum kids of the world unite!)(not ‘untie!’ – that’s dyslexics)

So clever – updating an old phrase for a new generation. Yes, the 1% are not just taking all the money, they’re also screwing the planet for the rest of us. (Don’t look at me! I have an electric car! Well, it’s a hybrid…but I (e)bike to work! Most days!)

Yeet seems to be a bit more forceful than just throwing something away. It can also be used to describe the action as you are doing it, as in – you say “yeet!” Whilst actually throwing something. Or maybe that’s just my family? My daughter wants me to say that now that she is 18 she doesn’t really hang out with young people anymore, so maybe she isn’t the best person to describe current youth culture. Never mind. This is hardly the Oxford dictionary.

The word can also be used as an exclamation, in a similar way to “yikes!”, to express surprise.

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