In which Kirsty makes a friend. Sort of.

Scootering to work on my Yamaha Tricity the other morning, I spotted another identical bike waiting at the traffic lights.

My awesome scooter. Actually legally defined as a car which, although bizarre, does mean it’s much cheaper to register and I can ride it on my car licence.

I was amazed, because they are very rare for some reason. I looked up at the rider and he raised a hand and waved at me! I was elated! I had bonded with a stranger! It was us against the world! I felt a warm glow, and then I took off when the lights turned green. Of course, being me (and on the spectrum as previously diagnosed), when I had to stop at the next set of traffic lights, I broke out in a cold sweat in fear that he would pull up beside me and I’d have to take part in a conversation. Luckily he must have turned off earlier and I didn’t see him again. But this awkwardness didn’t detract from a very pleasant experience.

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