The youth of today

One of the registrars I was on with over the weekend never replied to a couple of texts I sent him.

It wasn’t a problem, because he was carrying the duty anaesthetist phone as well, so I just wrote it off as typical millennial behaviour. But it turns out it was more complicated than that. I had this text conversation with him late last night.

So, now I see what the story is. This poor guy is being woefully underpaid by our bankrupt health system, and has been too embarrassed to mention it face to face. Also, how rubbish is the spelling and grammar of young people these days, even doctors? Ah well, no point bemoaning changing times. I got the on call anaesthetist last night to give him a phone call in his hour of need, but he denied any knowledge of our text conversation, which just shows the depths of his shame to be in such a position. Next time I see him I’ll give him $50 in front of everyone so he knows there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

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