The Big Reveal

…without revealing too much. So, here is my daughter’s tattoo, in all its glory.

Too big to be a Tramp Stamp, which makes it…what? A Slag Tag? Anyway, I’ve cropped the photo to hide any personal details, and now that the allergic reaction/ inflammation/ swelling/ general bloody ooze has all settled, this piece of dermatological graffiti doesn’t look too bad. It wasn’t even too painful, the way she tells it. The worst part was that she had to hold in her farts for so long, due to the proximity of the tattoo artist, which might give you more of a clue as to its anatomical location.

Fingers crossed this will be it for the year. Or, maybe I just need to chill out. You can’t stand in the way of the future I suppose. How does that saying go? “If you love something, set it free – if it comes back to you covered in tats – something something something” where is that dictionary of proverbs when I need it?

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Hamish Maule
Hamish Maule
5 years ago

Wow, very detailed. That must have taken ages.

Becky Jordan
Becky Jordan
5 years ago
Reply to  Hamish Maule

Took about 6 hours with no breaks

Trevor Shanahan
Trevor Shanahan
5 years ago

Tattoos – something I admire and once even spent a summer photographing as a side-project to an event I was photographer at – but not something I’ve ever hit the “I’ll definitely never regret that” frame of mind with, ergo my skin remains in pristine condition – well aside from a wrinkle here and there and when the hell did those grey hairs start sprouting!

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