Everyone loves reruns

I’ve been under the weather since getting back in the country on Monday, some sore throat germ plus PTSD from the cricket. So, here is an old work email trawled up from my sent emails to keep you “entertained”


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 12 December 2014 2:05 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: The Fellowship of the Schedule


Hi All,


Well, the silly season is just about upon us. This morning I was the only person in my house who had to get up and go to work. The girls have all got through the end of school year awards season unscathed ( and unencumbered by silverware ). My husband takes the occasional Friday off because general practice is such hard work. He will have to go into work next week, though – his annual flood of gifts from grateful patients is already starting to fill up his office. It must be nice to get recognition – sigh.


I must apologize to the petite blonde tech who turned up at my house last Sunday night, all dolled up and with partner in tow and a lovely food platter. Obviously the communication from the organizers of our annual ( biennial? triennial? ) debate leaves something to be desired. Mind you, clearly she doesn’t read my fortnightly newsletters because I mentioned it in there ( so possibly a bit pointless apologizing via the same medium…maybe the Interweb hasn’t made it as far as Kenepuru yet… ). Note to self: When my new book comes out ( “How I learned to stop worrying and love the schedule” ), I will have to make sure it comes out in hard copy as well as E book.


Lovely to see some familiar faces back this week, as well as some brand new ones. Funny how quickly you get used to change – the people who you enjoyed working with a few weeks ago are now gone and as your memory fades,  it’s as if they were never here. Everything just keeps on ticking over as usual. ( Now you know why I never get any gifts – cold hearted b***h that I am ). Maybe it’s important to remember that none of us are indispensable, anyway. That way you can enjoy your holidays guilt free.



The morning eye list is just locals so no anaesthetist required ( Nice of them to notice this the week before rather than the day of, which is the usual pattern… )



Geoff is tackling a liver case with the twins in the upper GI theatre today. Hopefully his air of calm competence will soothe Wick’s anxiety at the lack of a familiar face.

An EVAR first up on the vascular list, already bagsed ( ?sp ) by Chen to satisfy the VOP monster.


Theatre 4 will house the delivery suite caesar theatre today, something to do with air handler units (??) in delivery suite theatre. There will be a lot of this going on over the next month, in main theatre as well, so be extra vigilant about which theatre you are meant to be in over the next wee while. If there are overall clad persons climbing around on ladders and in the roof space, take that as a sign you may be meant to be elsewhere. I have rostered three people to delivery suite today to help manage the two different work spaces. Debbie B has assured me there won’t be women labouring in main theatre as well.

There is an extra morning ICD/defib list in radiology in the morning; and extra all day preassessment clinic.  This latter is split between two different venues, so the potential for confusion is high.  I might nominate Lizzie as the floating preassessment person today, so it can be her job to work out where she is meant to be.

Chris J is taking SHO teaching ( as if two days of the novice course aren’t enough! Beware, Chris, their brains may be full by now ).



Geoff is doing the AKS list but they have promised me that they are only short cases today ( so should finish on time… ).

Sarah J may have thought that leaving the country would save her from complex cases this week – sadly that is not the case – but at least I have rostered Lizzie with you to get things as sorted as possible while you’re away.

The angio list this morning is apparently acutes only but I have it staffed anyway, ready for the odd festive SAH/GDC.

The specially arranged pm ERCP list has dropped from three to two cases, but that’s still a much higher hit rate than the last one that had completely evaporated by the time the day came. Time will tell…

Quiet day at Kene, AliG out there all day by himself, and not even any internet to play on…



Cardioversions scheduled to start at their new permanent official time of 0945. So don’t try and ring the cardiology reg before this or they’ll get cross.

Full steam ahead at Kene. I’ve doubled up Matt L and Dean in the afternoon not for any particularly tricky cases but just to ensure a friendly face and meal breaks.


My last schedule before Christmas – so, hope you all have a Merry time – apart from those on call who will just have to be happy instead.


Best wishes,

Kirsty Jordan.

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