With regret

We spent our last evening in Montreal at the circus, because it turns out Cirque de Soleil started, and is still based, here. It was fabulous. Basically it’s just the usual circus acts –  trapeze artists, acrobats, a lady with lots of hula hoops – but it’s made better with an overarching theme or storyline (even though I couldn’t quite follow this one), and fantastic costumes, stages, lighting and special effects. There was also an abundance of muscled and gleaming male torsos. There was something for everyone. There was even a gay romance between two of the clowns, which was very sweet. They kept their clothes on which was probably a good idea considering the number of children present (not to mention Catholics).

Canadians and Kiwis must be the two most apologetic groups of people on the planet. At half time, I bought my daughter some candy floss, but somehow the lady serving us managed to knock over my glass of rosé in the process, and it spilled all across the bench top. She, her colleague, my daughter, and I then spent the next five minutes saying sorry to each other. Sad.

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