
The Alaskan glaciers are disappearing. It’s a real mystery.

A mob of cruise passengers vying to be the last to see the Hubbard Glacier

Glaciers constantly shed bits of ice of various sizes, ranging from tiny brash, through to growlers, and then bergy bits for anything over 5 metres but not quite big enough to be a grown up iceberg. I love scientist humour. The Far Side has always been my favourite comic.

Stop press!

Just saw a bunch of whales doing that coordinated feeding thing that David Attenborough always has on his tv shows that feature the sea (blue living nature planet something something…) It was about 300 metres away from me writing this on my balcony (room 268, deck eight). A group of them swim up through some hapless shoal of fish (anchovies/sardines/krill/wildebeest, you know the sort of thing) and then all come up to the surface with their mouths open. Hard to photograph on a cell phone camera I’m afraid – even an iPhone – what I needed was the two foot long behemoth lens the man on the balcony next to me had. Anyway, awesome, and worth the price of admission. In lieu of photos here is a far side cartoon.


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