
Alaska is enormous and filled with mostly nothing.

View from my cabin

In 1867, two years after Abe Lincoln would have been deeply regretting going out to the theatre, the USA bought Alaska from Russia. It was a bargain at 2 cents an acre but that still added up to over seven million dollars because it’s just so flipping huge as I previously mentioned. Russia was in financial strife because of fighting in the Crimea (just to show there’s nothing new under the sun), but most people still thought America had been sold a pup. Alaska was just full of trees and ice, what’s the point in that? Then of course they found gold and oil (and salmon and trees) and the rest is history. Having said that, I think Canada still gets the most money out of the Alaskan cruise ship bonanza because they mostly sail out of Vancouver.

Took this photo today of what I thought was a nice touch by our crew. I’m going to call it “f**k you Trump”.

Of wildlife so far I have seen two whales, but I have no photographic evidence so you don’t need to believe me. We are just parking up at our first landing spot, Icy Straight Point. I’ll let you know how it goes (unless I am eaten by a bear).

The thriving megalopolis of Icy Straight Point


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