The return of the scheduling email

It’s Monday so my inspiration levels and general brain function are at a low ebb. To cover this embarrassing lapse, here is an old scheduling email. If I’ve done this right it should be one I haven’t posted before.



From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 28 November 2014 12:15 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: The scheduler who came in from the cold.


Hi All,


Sad day today as we farewell Oz, heading off to warmer climes further North. Your loss will be keenly felt by the dept. It will also lead to a marked reduction in the levels of cultural diversity here. We may have to rethink our hiring policy? We need the number of Australians in the dept to accurately reflect the makeup of the local community. Farewell drinks tonight 5pm at Bebemos, all welcome.  Next week is the last week of the RMO year, so it will be the last week for a few of our juniors, travelling far and wide in the pursuit of further experience and improved employability. Farewell and Godspeed you on your journey, even if you’re only going to the Hutt. Don’t ask me where everyone else is this week, though – we are horribly short every day except Tuesday.


Sadly, we also have to give up the dream of the department debate, which was due to be held Sunday week Chez Jordan. Gareth was particularly sorry to lose the opportunity to rifle through my drawers. However, it was felt that an evening spent staring at six empty chairs may begin to pall after a while, although actually that makes it sound like some sort of art installation. Maybe I could get a grant from the government?. It’s a very busy time of year, and there are plenty of other opportunities for amusement. The TV show 7 days have a live show at The Opera House this Sunday, and apparently the burlesque circus is extremely entertaining, although not suitable for children as the levels of male and female nudity are greater than generally considered seemly. Having said that, I got home from my evening session at 10pm last night to find my three daughters half way through an episode of The Walking Dead, so I suspect our little darlings mind’s are sturdier than we fondly imagine.


As if we needed reminding, Phillip Hughes tragic death by cricket ball again brings home the dangers of sport, and exercise in general. Does the example of Mark, Selena, Pia, Alan, Chris H etc have anything to teach us?  Having said that, according to the paper today, NZ children are some of the fattest in the world, and the rates of obesity keep growing here as opposed to other developed countries. Tricky. Being fit does seem to bring a sense of wellbeing with it ( so it looks to the rest of us anyway ). Maybe we should just follow the Nike motto: “greater profits from exploiting cheap labour” – oh no, not that one, the other one: Just Do It!


My biggest excitement this week has been the arrival of my latest tax deduction, my new iphone. It’s so ginormous it has already fallen out of my scrubs pocket once. Luckily I bought a cover for it, superexpensive with the latest scientific techniques for improved protection: “impactology”™. Apparently it deflects the lines of force, according to the nifty diagram on the packet. Linda take note. Apart from it’s hugeness ( and don’t we all remember when the flashest cell phones were the tiny wee ones? ), and it’s gold colour, the feature I love the most are the extensive range of little emoticons it comes with. Not like our stupid work emails which convert your smiley faces into little “J”s that make no sense.



Vicki is DA. Good luck. Two locums today and it still looks like shit.

Linda has to travel with her damaged iphone between two locations this morning: ortho trauma and ECT. I know you can do it.

There are rumours that Rebecca G is operating in the morning in OT 10 in place of Mr T, but the ENT booking person knew nothing about it in production planning this morning so who knows? PM also a mystery.

An extra gyne list in the pm at Kene in 91, which snuck in while I wasn’t watching ( grrr ).



We aren’t short today so the extra gyne list all day at Kene has been cancelled. Figures.



 Inservice this afternoon, shifted from it’s original date of the 10th a few weeks ago, causing much havoc and dismay. 

No gyne list at Kene this morning inexplicably but we’re short so I’m not complaining.



Kirsten M steps in at the last minute to be DA. ( Who is this tall, hairy , blonde Canadian you’ve brought back with you from overseas, Kirsten?).


OK, need to finish this to get to the rep lunch next door before the food goes.

Good luck.

Feedback tolerated.



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