Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be

Home miserable and sick. It’s been drizzling for about three months solid – I’ve forgotten what the sun looks like. One daughter flew back Uni this morning , and another leaves for Canada on Sunday with no return ticket booked. I am bereft of inspiration. Must be time for another old scheduling email to keep the blog ticking over.


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 14 November 2014 12:52 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Scheduling in a cold climate


Dear All,


Several people have reminded me of the virtues of brevity this week, so am aiming to keep it short. Much like our own wannabe Ronnie Biggs’ taste of freedom in Rio – although best I don’t make any jokes about that, as our prime minister discovered to his cost ( luckily he retains his Teflon coating so no harm done ). Speaking of censorship, China have a while to go before they get the hang of democracy and free speech if photos of President Putin being chivalrous to the prime ministers wife can lead to widespread panic and suppression orders amongst the media and internet over there. Would have liked to have seen a photo of Tony Abbott and the legendary shirtfronting but I gather that all came to nought in the end. Attempts at curbing my rights to self expression are also occurring here in our very own office. Chris thinks he has discovered the secret to my black widow status – he thinks Will and Dean were driven away by my ipod.  I keep telling him it’s my husband that puts the 70’s music on there but he doesn’t believe me. The worst thing I’ve seen on the internet this week is the video for “Shut the f**k up” a “music” video from the USA which shows that women’s rights remain a fringe belief – in fact, feminism is one of the years most unpopular words in a recent survey so am feeling a bit despondent about the state of society in general. Not to mention the cricket. But, a world that can land a robot on a comet can’t be all bad.


We said goodbye to the lovely Haley this week, and also Lisa a few weeks ago, although luckily that departure is only temporary. (Eds note – five years and she’s still not back…) After all the Part 2 exam success, the regs are now ( belatedly ) scrambling to fill their VOP requirements, so last minute shuffling of RMOs is likely to be common in the coming weeks.




Renal transplant today: Douglas helping AKS to remove said organ in OT 4 in the morning; and Dean and Tom helping Dilip guide it home in OT 9 in the afternoon. 

Extra gyne preassessment for Nicola in the am. Seems to be a lottery as to whether any patients turn up to these, although I gather your chances are better in town than at Kene which has had a poor strike rate this week.

Luckily we are well staffed today as we have two extra lists down in radiology. In the morning there is some sort of cardiology case, and in the afternoon it will be a genera surgery/gastro/medical case – not officially booked with us yet as I guess all these specialties are expecting someone elses RMO to do it.

Will has some OPD time to grill the regs who want their cardiac module signed off. ( Hint: you need at least 5 infusion pumps ).



More extra radiology today, and an extra preassessment clinic. Luckily we have so many staff on a Thursday – oh, no, wait, we don’t. Luckily Kene ortho has no provider again today.

CJ taking part 2 teaching. Something about how pain is good for you.



Last minute horse trading sees general surgery replaced by the inevitable gyne, leading to a theatre swap between OT’s  6 and 11. Let’s hope Dilip and Tony are in an understanding mood. The gyne list is advertised as reg only but we’ve been warned Cecile may make an appearance. ( To help speed things up, maybe? )

Extra preassessment scheduled for Oz at Kene in the pm, but if this weeks record is anything to go by, best bring your knitting.


Not bad – well under two pages, I’d say. Have a good week.

Feedback welcome ( within reason ).

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