Easy rider

Bought a new ebike yesterday (don’t tell Simon). Actually because I traded in my old ebike (several years old) I still only have two so it hardly counts as an additional expenditure. And only around 3% of the cost of Simon’s new Volvo so really I’m waaaaay ahead. The bike I bought a few months ago is wonderful. It’s beautiful but deceptively powerful. It’s a step through commuter bike, so it’s perfect for a more gentle commute wearing a nice dress on a lovely Summers day. For everything else, I have the new bike. It’s still a commuter bike, so it’s got lights and mudguards and a basket, but your posture when riding it is more hunched forward, which is more suitable when trying to keep a low profile against the (occasional Wellington) wind. The riding position you take on the step through bike, so appropriate when cycling alongside the canals in Amsterdam, for example, is known as the “sit up and beg” position, a term I loathe. I tried to sit up and beg, but when I put my paws up, the bike fell over.

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