
Just sneezed my way through an xray meeting. Initially everyone is amused, and there are cries of “bless you!” and “gesundheit!”, and then people start to get concerned for your wellbeing “gosh are you OK?” “It’s all good!” you say “it’s just hayfever!” Then they get annoyed with the interruption (initially your sneezes sound cute like a kitten but then as you try to muffle them they sound like little explosions. Once there’s snot involved, its a whole new level of disgusting, as you dig around in your bag for the hanky you know is in there somewhere), and finally they start getting concerned about their own wellbeing. They shuffle their chairs surreptitiously away from you, and as soon as the meeting is over they dash for the exits. Mortifying. And of course, as soon as the meeting is over, the sneezing stops.

I’m thinking of writing a horror movie script where some poor fool is hiding from the bad guy, only to be given away by their muffled sneezes. Won’t make sense to most people but for my fellow hayfever sufferers it will resonate most poignantly.

Thank you to The Oatmeal. You are a blessing.
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