Scheduling revisited

Got a nasty shock today, a doctor over in Australia has been suspended from medical practice for posting inappropriate comments on social media. To be fair, some of the stuff he was saying was pretty out there, even for an Australian, but it has made me think I had better be very cautious about what I post. In the meantime, here is another old scheduling email, just to play it safe.


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 19 September 2014 1:22 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Next weeks theatre schedule – a week one
Importance: Low (what??)


Hi All,


Just a short note this week as I’m sick ( again! ). Just a cold this time – so I am Kirsty, the red nosed scheduler today.

Soon we will have the results of some hotly anticipated voting – yes, the outcome of the Scottish referendum will be known tonight. When my ancestor Pierre De Maule hopped across the ditch with his mate Bill back in 1066 (“ Hastings? Looks more like Havelock North to me…”), snaffling an Earldom for his troubles, little did he know how shabbily his descendants would be treated. Now is our chance to throw off the yoke of Tory oppression. In the diaspora that may follow independence, I expect Scotland might want to supplement it’s falling population with the nation’s grandchildren who are spread far and wide across the globe – they have been almost as good at exporting people as the Irish. This might be my chance to snap up the EU passport that is my birthright – and I wonder if that castle near Dundee is still empty… We also have some voting of our own tomorrow, don’t forget to exercise your democratic right. Remember, democracy means your vote is worth exactly the same as any other uninformed pleb.


It has been lovely to see the return of several staff members who have been away, this week. These include our Dear Leader; and Will and Nik back from the wilds of Canada, with no visible injuries. Will looked a bit anxious to find his name still outside the schedulers doorway. Dinna fash yersel, Will, I’ll make sure Chris sticks with it. Sadly, this coming week is the last for one of our favourite people – och, Aimee is a couthie soul, so she is. She has specially requested to be DA on her last day next Friday, so she can make her farewells. Farewell drinks Thursday night, so if anyone has an awfy drouth the next morning, she will have to deal with it. 


Unfortunately I’m going to be cruising around the Mediterranean when my next schedule comes out, but it’s all prepared. Dean is going to be making a brief return appearance in the scheduling hotseat for a Friday or two while I’m away, as Chris is also having some quality family time over the school holidays. Well, hoping for a braw, bricht, moonlicht nicht the nicht, for our departmental movie night tonight. Sadly I think it’s going to be dreich for the weekend. Ah well, I’d best haud me wheesht, I’m turning into an awfy blether. See you all next week.

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