Testing times

Got a very strange text this morning. Pacific radiology wanted me to contact them about an appointment. Thought maybe I was due another boob squashing but I was sure it had only been a few months since my last one.  I rang them and after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, trying to get information from each other without breaching privacy regulations, we finally figured that the appointment was for one of my daughters who apparently needed a chest xray for an immigration medical because she was moving to Malaysia. I was gobsmacked. I had no idea she was going anywhere. Then I found out who had requested the xray – it was her GP, Dr Simon Jordan. This left me even more confused. Was he planning to take my child away from me? That made no sense. He doesn’t even like children (sorry girls). I told the nice xray lady that I would get back to her, and I rang my husband. He was profuse in his apologies (well, he may have said sorry), and said the whole thing was his fault. He’d been trying to do too many things at once and had accidentally ordered the chest xray for our daughter. I rang Pacific radiology back and cancelled the appointment, so now we’re all good.

So, is this the sort of thing that happens in other households? Write in with your own interesting stories.

On further investigation, it seems my daughter was lucky not to receive a form for blood tests looking for HIV and syphilis. So, it’s better than it might have been.

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