
An old memory from my Facebook feed.

I don’t remember any climate change anxiety from my school years. I remember being concerned about overpopulation (by the year 2000 we would only have one metre squared each to live in – I was hoping my square metre would have a big tree in it), and also about my risk of being nuked (there was a poster in my intermediate school about what to do in the event of a bomb dropping – the last sentence, after all the ‘keep away from windows, sit underneath your desks’ fantasy, was to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. That certainly focused the mind, I can tell you). So it turns out I should have been more worried about climate change, rather than this passing note on the last day of science for the year. I trust school kids these days are more woke. On behalf of Gen Xers everywhere, I do sincerely apologize. I don’t speak for the boomers though – they have a lot of explaining to do, am I right?? And they’re still in denial…

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