
Am off sick from work today. Nothing exciting, just a routine cold: mostly just a sore throat from swallowing large amounts of boiling hot snot. Well that’s what it feels like. Unfortunately I’m going to have to get out of bed this evening to present an “interesting” case at a morbidity and mortality meeting. If I lose my voice I may have to mime my presentation which would at least make it far more entertaining. In the meantime here is another old scheduling email from the vaults. Apposite because it seems I was also sick then…


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 22 August 2014 1:55 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Next weeks schedule – a week one


Hi All,


I have to be quick about this one, before the codeine kicks in and I start rambling. I have moved sideways along the analgesic ladder today, surmising that tramadol probably isn’t appropriate even for a nonclinical day. Yes, I, in common with so many others, have been laid low with sickness this week. I struggled into work on Wednesday to do an ortho list, and had a bit of competition with the surgeon as to who was sickest – a bit of a “phlegm off”, if you will. Mr D won by dint of expectorating a piece of lung. Don’t be concerned about sterility, though – the patient was having a knee wash out, so was already germ laden. Plus, we were wearing masks. I would love to have a sleep in tomorrow, mas non e possibile per che ho an Italian lesson at 10. On the subject of sick leave, it is lovely to be able to welcome back EL next week, although in a limited capacity at first, a la DP. No one else is going to get a look in at Obs clinics for the next wee while.  Next week we also welcome a new temporary locum, JK , all the way from Dunedin, possibly in hopes of some vitamin D this far North. Hah! I have a batch ( or possibly crib ) of surgical alerts stored up for him by way of a welcome, just to show how highly I think of his clinical skills. So, even though we have lots of staff away, I am able to pay back some OPD this week. Or, perhaps think of it as a temporary loan?


Retraction alert! I must apologise for a rare error in my previous email. LS  is not from Auckland but rather hails from Old Blighty. Sorry! Am only as good as my sources, as Cameron Slater would say. Speaking of JAFA’s, I discovered this week that one of my old childhood playmates from Pt Chev days ( yes, am a wannabe Westie ) is actually Lorde’s mother! Another close brush with fame – Cory Jane, eat your heart out.



JK spends his first day with us in OT 5 with the lovely Dr IM, some surgical alerts on here but nothing too wacky. RB will help out once she’s finished with ECT. Although, I promised her a half day off this week and promptly forgot, so she may not be here for the whole day.

There is apparently an MH patient scheduled for today, hopefully first up on the gyne list. Someone might have to explain to LS what Malignant Hyperthermia is, it’s rather an antipodean specialty.



PD working today instead of Monday to keep cardiac rolling. I asked the new cardiac locum surgeon how she was finding it here, and she said it was a baptism by fire. Hard to know how to take that. I hope you’ve all been nice to her!

DW cancelled his leave to help us out today, so it’s the best staffed Tuesday in living memory. RMO’s in most theatres – this is how things are supposed to be! Luxury! I am rewarding him with the AAA that was cancelled from yesterday due to an ailing surgeon.



There has been a general implosion of teaching in the pm, for various reasons. The regs all still have the afternoon off for private study, but Dr’s S and W have been welcomed back to clinical duties with open arms and full lists. Thanks!



OT 2 has been taken over by UGI. Hopefully no delayed start due to overrunning acute cardiac cases this time! And hopefully Mr W is aware that VU knows her stuff – apparently he had his reg quietly sound out the last anaesthetist I rostered in there, to make sure they were up to snuff.

Less well staffed today, so some good educational opportunities have gone begging, and I also expect (as duty anaesthetist) to be fielding calls for tea breaks throughout the day.



Shortish again today.

No list in OT 6; in fact there’s a bit of shuffling around in theatres today so be careful where you go.

An EVAR on the vascular list, as well as a thrice cancelled varicose veins patient. BMI too high for private, I’m guessing.

DW doing the Mr G ortho list at Kene ( they’ve promised no paeds ) and then back on his bike, to pedal furiously back into town in time for the vascular APAC ( needless to say, if his patients spent more time on their bikes than they did smoking, we’d all be better off ).


Well, I’ve run out of days of the week and any interest in continuing, I’m sure no ones still reading by now ( get back to work! ).

Hope you’re all feeling better soon.

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