
Have been binge reading a six book young adult vampire series over the last fortnight.

Another bloody bad girl

They were left in a plastic bag in my car by a friend of our daughters. I’m onto the last book and it’s been fun but I couldn’t keep doing it. My husband tells me I should just read what I like and not feel that I have to read “worthy” books (he’s a big fan of the fantasy genre), but I do like the literary stuff. It’s just sometimes nice to snack on junk food for the brain. None of our daughters read fiction much which I think is a real shame: I find it adds an extra dimension to life.

Sometimes I slum it with analogue books when the kindle version isn’t available

(some days later)

I’ve been thinking about the above post, and I think I didn’t express myself as well as I’d like to – so I’m going to have another try. I think you’ll like it, because it’s less condescending, and I continue with the food metaphors. Literary novels can sometimes be a little tough and chewy, and in that case other genres – like YA, detective fiction, and chick lit – can act as a leavening agent that makes the reading experience more digestible. Or, how about this: other genres are the prunes that keep things flowing…? Hmmm…maybe I’ll keep working on it.

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