
Exiled to preassessment clinic for the afternoon, for my sins. I’m a last minute replacement for someone who’s sick, so I don’t even have my stethoscope on me. That’s my excuse, anyway. The last thing I want to do is find some physical sign that I then need to decide whether to refer on for further investigation or not. (Just kidding! No blabbing to my boss please.)

Found a room full of measuring equipment that kept me entertained for a few minutes before the clinic started. The bad news is that I am both heavier and shorter than I previously thought – but on the other hand, my blood pressure and heart rate are excellent! For all those who say an ebike isn’t real exercise – eat your heart out.


Don’t tell anyone but I actually enjoyed the clinic this afternoon. It wasn’t too busy, and it was quite pleasant having a leisurely chat with people without having to do painful things to them (like sticking them with needles) at the same time.

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