Still rehashing the old stuff

In lieu of fresh inspiration after the Good Friday brain cell massacre of 2019, I’m continuing to trawl through the back catalogue of old scheduling emails. This one is heavily redacted, only because most of it is boring work stuff. But at least that keeps it short!


From: Kirsty Jordan [CCDHB]
Sent: Friday, 27 June 2014 2:41 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Next weeks schedule – a week one


Hi All,


Not too bad a week ahead. Lots of shuffling people around for various reasons, so my paper copy is covered in arrows, smudged pencil, and eraser marks, but hopefully that hasn’t allowed too many errors to creep through. It is the last week before school holidays, which probably doesn’t mean much to many of you, but for some of us there are childcare headaches and/or annual leave coming up. If you have a trip planned, I hope for your sake it’s somewhere tropical and not a skiing holiday in the North Island, as I gather there is a dearth of the white powdery stuff. They  would have us believe there is 23cm of snow at the top of the lifts at Turoa, but expect they just shaped a sad little mound around a ruler to even claim that much.



 Dr M is DA after her recent bout of back pain. Hopefully the TENS machine and/or medication is doing it’s stuff and she’s still mobile enough to do the job. Keep moving is the modern advice!



I have written Melissa Nadeau’s name in full because it seems we are going to be seeing a lot of her in the near future. She is a Canadian orthopod specializing in spines who is doing a locum with us. Tempting to think she may be French Canadian with that surname but sadly I have no proof of this. Might be safest to speak to her in French or at least Franglais as your first option? I have put the charming Dr G in with her on her first day in theatre to make sure she feels welcome.

Am just going to check my emails to see if there have been any howls of protest since I sent the schedule out…nothing vital. ( Does a 12 yo really need a paeds anesthetist?? )

Any more problems, let me know, but possibly my response may be, as they say in football ( or “soccer” as it’s known in civilised countries ) “ bite me”.

Kind regards,

Kirsty Jordan.

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