
Supermarkets all closed today to celebrate the Easter Bunny*, so had to pop down to the petrol station when we ran out of milk (hangovers having been a severe impediment to forward planning). I only wanted one litre as we don’t use much, but all they had left was two litre bottles, so I grabbed one and went up to the counter with it. “Just so you know” said the lady behind the counter “we are selling the ‘cow and gate’ brand at two for seven dollars, whereas that one you’ve got there is six dollars for two litres.” Well, what was I to do? I didn’t need four litres of milk – I didn’t even need two – but it would have seemed churlish not to take her advice, plus she would have thought I was stupid not to be able to figure out it was a great deal.

Lactose for all

So, now we have lots of milk, if anyone wants to pop round for a flat white or two, or even a milkshake? We have all three girls home at the moment, so that might help to get through our surplus, although it seems the only thing they’re drinking in bulk these days is alcohol.

*Did you know in France they don’t have the Easter Bunny? (Probably because they would just make it into a stew). Instead, on Good Friday, all the church bells around the country grow wings and fly to the Vatican in Rome to be blessed by the Pope, and then they fly back on Easter Sunday bringing Easter eggs and chocolate bells with them. Not sure where in the Bible this is mentioned but you won’t be surprised that my knowledge of theology is a bit iffy.

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