
Went for a walk yesterday evening with my daughter and the dogs whilst waiting for the traffic to die down. It was a lovely Autumn night,  still, fine, and cold.  We’d both had rough days, and it was such a nice way to relax and clear our heads. As we  walked across an empty field in the dark, an bunch of joggers ran past, and one of them said – loudly and while staring straight ahead – “dogs are meant to be on leads in this area”. What a buzzkill. Immediately I was mortified, called my ancient and harmless cairn terrier over and put the lead on her. My daughter was furious, and refused to follow suit with the schnoodles. My question is, what was his motivation? He might have been right, although I’m not certain about that and I’ve often seen dogs running free there, but even if it was the case, why say it? We weren’t doing any harm. He didn’t look afraid, and nor did any of his companions. Does he call out legal infringements whenever he sees them, and always in the third person? “It’s not permissible to park there.””People aren’t allowed to cross the road here.””Pedestrians are supposed to walk on the left hand side of the footpath.” He must be a joy to live with.

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