Nothing new under the sun

When I set up this blog last year, I allowed myself the option of sampling from old work scheduling emails that I’d written, as a back up for times when my inspiration levels were running low. Turns out that isn’t the low-effort option I’d initially hoped for. Have just spent the last hour trawling through my old emails and there is so much that, while undoubtedly clever and witty, is just too work related and full of in-jokes to really translate well. Never mind – I’ll keep searching. Anyway I did find this paragraph from an email from 30 May 2014, which I’m including as we just had Armageddon here in Wellington last weekend (which I missed due to my conference in Australia):

Armageddon this weekend! ( Hopefully not for real – in which case I’ve wasted a lot of my time pointlessly writing out this schedule ). My daughter is working in the zombie attack zone tomorrow, so if you’re there and you see an attractive young zombie, wearing something that on casual inspection could be mistaken for a patient gown, groaning “brains!” in a Marsden accent, then please be gentle.

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