Another blast from the past

Have ransacked the back catalogue once again, for your enlightenment and reading pleasure. I think I got funnier after this.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2014 1:40 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: next weeks schedule


Hi All,


This weeks schedule is brought to you by the principle of oversharing. I have had to produce the roster with the use of only nine digits. Some of you may have noticed the lovely racing red splint on my left index finger this week. I have an avulsion fracture of the volar plate of my PIP jt – or “munted”. My orthopod says I won’t be able to do any housework for at least six months. Similarly, I am unable to wield a stethoscope so preassessment is also out. There is a rumour going around that it was a netball injury, but that’s not true. I was saving an orphan from a runaway train. Or was it a basketful of kittens from a burning building? My memory is a little faulty as a result of the trauma. 

Next weekend brings around the shortest day of the year. It’s always a relief when the days start getting longer. It hasn’t been too hard a winter, so far, though, has it? This weeks big storm avoided us in preference for the winterless North. My sister ( sometime Shortland Street actress ‘Sergeant Wilkes’ ) spent yesterday evening huddled over a candle in the dark with no hot water – or maybe that’s just what they do in Glen Eden?

I’m on leave but next weeks schedule will be brought to you by the combined might of Dr CJ and Dr WY, who is enacting his exit plan before escaping to the Northern hemisphere in a next few weeks. So, I’m now moving onto my third co-scheduler – but I’m trying not to take it personally.

Dr WY thinks I should mention the football world cup, but I’m not going to in the interests of brevity. Similarly for the cricket.

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