Tramp Stamp

My (currently least favourite) daughter got a tattoo yesterday. It’s the first tattoo in our whole family. The first I heard of it was just when the news was starting to come out about the events in Christchurch yesterday afternoon, so we were all already upset. The message I saw on our family chat was that she got a tattoo on her ankle of the note she got from her old nanny on her birthday a few weeks ago:

I was furious, partly because it seemed a crazy thing to have permanently on your person, but also because I was jealous that a message from her nanny would be the one most important thing she would want to memorialize in this way. Luckily, before I said anything rash, she sent a photo of the tattoo itself:

And actually it’s quite cute and discrete. And when people forget what lol means in a few years, she can always get it changed into a tie fighter. It’s ironic though, I’m sure it will remind her of the Christchurch shootings for the rest of her life.

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