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its nearly midnight and I’ve just realized I haven’t eaten a single serving of fruit or vegetables all day. Muesli for breakfast; then my afternoon acute session at work was so busy I had to eat the emergency cheese on toast in the theatre tea room for lunch; and for dinner, chicken and potato salad. And I know potatoes don’t count as a vegetable as far as dieticians are concerned. I’m worried now. I may die in the night of acute nutritional deficiency and general wickedness. Tell my family I loved them.


Blerrrk. Rudely awoken at 07:30 to be asked to come into theatre for a complex acute case. No time for a shower or breakfast. Do coffee beans count as a vegetable?


Thank you, Wishbone! Just when I thought I’d have to consume an entire head of raw broccoli to stave off imminent death, the hospital Wishbone cafe came to the party with a tub of fruit salad. It was phenomenally expensive, mind you – shame I don’t get paid for call backs. But I mustn’t complain! I imagine a raw head of broccoli would probably look a pretty good option on a nurses salary.

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